Monday, August 24, 2009

my great day

had the greatest day today. in health class i was so bored i imagined a rocket ship was flying around the classroom. then in rotc some kid had been absent for a couple of days and told us it had been because he had been in jail for skipping school and being with a kid who had marijuana. when he said that the teacher came over to me and said, "if i had a son it would be just like this kid. he's reading bill orielly. hes quiet and pays attention." and when i was wallking out to get a new uniform she said, "hes my fake son he reads bill orielly!" she loves me. in science class we had to write how science class was and i put this, "america has the fifth worst education among devoloped nations and this is ever apparant among the average classroom when you look at the low expectations and oversimplified criteria taught in the average classroom." how bad is that? then in cross country i ran a mile in 7minutes and 33 seconds then a second mile in 7minutes and 55 seconds and a final one in 7minutes and 57 seconds. how great of a day is that.

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